Houston Skyline TW Code of Conduct and Rules – Elite Program

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  • Attendance at all practices and tournaments must be a priority for all athletes. All players need to be at practices a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the designated start time to help set up equipment and warm-up. If there is an unusual situation in which you will miss a tournament or practice (such as emergency or illness), please be courteous and call the coach immediately to inform them.
  • If excessive absences occur (more than 2), the athlete will have to sit out a set at one of the team’s tournaments for each absence from that point forward. 
  • If ever a situation occurs that you or your child do not agree with or understand your player’s role at a given time, then following protocol must be followed in this order:
  1. Athlete discusses directly with their Coach(es). Athlete must setup a time to meet.
  2. Athlete, Coach(es), Parents and potentially the Director meet. Meetings must be requested/scheduled.
  • All players are representing Houston Skyline The Woodlands and USA Volleyball and are expected to act in a respectful and appropriate manner.  
  • Players need to make sure they know all arrival and departure times for tournaments.  At most tournaments, the players will need to report to the gym no later than 45 minutes before the scheduled match time.  Most warm up sessions will begin, at minimum, 45 minutes to 1 hour prior to game time.
  • All players are required to be released by their coach after tournaments and practices before leaving, to make sure that all necessary communication has been given, and duties such as taking down equipment, counting balls, refereeing, etc. are taken care of.
  • Almost all travel tournaments have policies requiring teams to stay at certain hotels and book through specific companies in order to be accepted into their tournament. We are contractually obligated for these room requests; therefore, you must provide your name/credit card for your reservation to be made. The financial obligation for your room commitment(s), that you submit through email or by form to Skyline Staff for each tournament, must be fulfilled by each individual. 
  • Parents are expected to keep up with their dues and their payment schedules. Payment methods: To pay online using a credit card or ACH through your iTeamApp account. All payments will need to be postmarked by the 15th of each month.  If a payment is made late, you may be subject to a $25.00 late fee. Your athlete may not be able to participate in any sanctioned events (practice or tournament) until a payment is made. Also, if a check does not clear the bank, then you will be charged a $25.00 returned check fee.  If the problem occurs two times, you will be asked to pay by method of cash or a cashier’s check.  If there is some reason the payment cannot be made at the date specified please contact Colten Conner, and we will try to work something out.
  • If an account is not paid in full, the parent/guardian of the participating athlete will be responsible for any and all fees that are incurred to pursue collections. 

All monies that are paid will be non-refundable (if there is a season ending injury, we will work out a reasonable solution between the two parties).

I (the undersigned) have reviewed the 2024-2025 Athlete’s Manual, the LOVB Code of Conduct, the LS Region Spectator Code of Conduct, as well as the information above, and agree to abide by all rules and codes of conduct that represent Houston Skyline.
Parent/Guardian Name
Clear Signature
Participant Name
Clear Signature